Six Reasons to Volunteer

Are you considering getting involved in volunteering? Volunteering isn’t just about giving back to your community, it’s also about personal growth, expanding your skill set, and building meaningful connections.

In this blog, we’ll explore the top six reasons why volunteering is not only beneficial for others but also for yourself. Whether you’re looking to enhance your skills, make a positive community impact, or simply explore new interests, volunteering offers a variety of opportunities that can improve your life and career.

So, let’s discover why volunteering might be the perfect choice for you!

Make New Friends

    Engaging in a volunteering activity is a great way of making new friendships and strengthening existing ones. Volunteering, particularly if you’re new to the area, offers an excellent opportunity to meet fresh faces and strengthen community connections. This involvement not only expands your social circle but also exposes you to individuals sharing common interests, local resources, and fulfilling activities, contributing to your overall experience.

    Boost Your Wellbeing

    Volunteering is not only a way of helping others, but also beneficial for your personal well-being. Seeing the positive impact you make on individuals or organisations you care about is a great way to boost your overall happiness. Engaging in volunteer activities gives a sense of fulfilment and self-worth. Additionally, it offers an opportunity to engage in activities outside of your usual routine, whether this is taking a break from your studies or enjoying outdoor experiences. By engaging in volunteering, you can reduce stress and take part in enjoyable activities.

    Explore Your Interests and Your City

    Whether you’re a newcomer to York this year or a resident, volunteering will give you a chance to explore your surroundings, whether it’s enhancing green spaces, assisting young people in local schools, or getting to know York’s heritage by volunteering at a historic landmark, there are so many ways to contribute to the city. Regardless of the avenue you choose, volunteering offers an excellent opportunity to uncover new areas of the city.

    Enhance your CV

    In an increasingly competitive job market, having volunteering experience can be incredibly useful for your CV. It demonstrates your willingness to dedicate personal time to making a positive difference in the lives of others. It also offers you the chance to gain valuable experience that employers find attractive, allowing you to develop crucial skills, making you stand out to potential employers. By volunteering, you can showcase your passion for a specific subject or cause, demonstrating your commitment to giving back to others.

    Build Your Network

    Volunteering provides an opportunity to develop valuable relationships with connections in your chosen field, allowing you to exchange contacts and make useful connections.

    Connections made through volunteering can provide reliable references, so by engaging with professionals in this way, you’re not only expanding your knowledge but also building a supportive community. Remember, it’s not just about your skills, but also about the relationships you build in the process.

    Learn Something New

    Engaging in volunteering provides hands-on experience and an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to a specific cause or area of interest. Volunteering allows you to develop a variety of skills, including organisation, time management, effective communication, and confidence building.

    Volunteering presents an opportunity to explore a different career path without the need for a significant long-term commitment. Furthermore, certain volunteer opportunities offer access to specialised training in areas such as project management and event planning, which can also be great for your future career.

    To see a full list of our volunteering opportunities, including roles with charities and communities across York, visit Handshake or email us at

    Let’s keep in touch, join us on Instagram! @uoyvolunteering